Love, Joy, Peace...

Click here to access training for other ministries.

Step 1

Volunteers that are 18 or older must:

  1. Obtain a VSS Request Letter by completing the form at this link: VSS Request Letter.

  1. Then, apply for a VSS Police Check by completing the form at this link: Police Check.

Step 2

All ages must:

  1. Watch the videos below.

  1. Then, complete the application and click Submit.

Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Phone Number (Required)
Address (Street Number, Town, Postal Code) (Required)
What ministry would you like to serve in? (Required)
Kids Church
Kids Camp
Soccer Camp
Youth Ministry
Birthdate (Required)
Age (Required)
Grade (if applicable)
Emergency Contact Name & Primary Phone Number (Required)
What is the name of your home church?
Do you attend church regularly (2 or more times each month)? (Required)
Please list present and previous ministry experience, and the church & location at which you served. (Required)
Please describe your spiritual background and journey. (Required)
Please check all that apply. *Your answers do not necessarily qualify or disqualify you for the position to which you are applying. (Required)
I am looking for opportunities to help and serve others, although I do not identify as a Christian.
I am still considering whether to pursue Christianity.
I have confessed my sin, and have placed my faith in Jesus for my eternal salvation.
I have been baptized by full immersion by my own free will.
I endeavor to follow Christ in my daily activities.
Are there any circumstances involving your lifestyle or history that could call into question your ability to work safely with children or youth in a Christian environment? (Required)
Have you ever been convicted or found guilty of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted, not including minor traffic violations? (Required)
Have you ever been expelled from or had your employment terminated by any organization or employer for assault or violence against any person, or for assault, violence or impropriety with children, youth or vulnerable persons? (Required)
Have you been investigated by the Children's Aid Society or any other organization for suspected child abuse? (Required)
Have you ever been a defendent or respondent in a civil lawsuit or human rights complaint or other legal proceedings in which you were alleged to have abused or engaged in violence, harrassement or other immoral or illegal behaviour or conduct? (Required)
Do you have any health concerns which would impact your ability to perform the functions of the volunteer position for which you are applying? (Required)
Do you have any contagious diseases or conditions of which we should be aware, and which we may need to take steps to protect against transmission if you volunteer with the Church? (Required)
I hereby give the church consent to verify the information provided by me in this Ministry Personnel Application Form and to contact the references and current and former employers listed above and to obtain and verify any information from them (and any ot (Required)
Information received is confidential and is being gathered for the purposes of considering your application for volunteer ministry with the Church. (Required)
I have attended Pinewoods Chapel for: (Required)
Vulnerable Sector Screening (VSS Police Check) is required for any position involving children, youth, or vulnerable adults, when the applicant is 18 years or older. Please check the appropriate response. (Required)
Reference #1: Name (must be someone you are not related to that knows you well) (Required)
Reference #1: Email Address (Required)
Reference #2: Name (must be someone you are not related to that knows you well) (Required)
Reference #2: Email Address (Required)
I have completed the video training above, and would like to request Elder Approval to serve in ministry at Pinewoods Chapel. (Required)
I've viewed the video training above,
I would like to request Elder Approval.