Love, Joy, Peace...

Welcome to the Pinewoods Chapel Online Campus Host Team!

We’re so excited that you’re stepping up to help us share the Gospel and make disciples! This training will give you all the info you need to begin serving on the team and impacting lives all over the world.

Pinewoods Chapel’s Online Services and Sermons have been attended and viewed by people all over the world (in over 20 different countries!). Whether it’s people who homebound, or people who just don’t have a Bible-believing church in their area, we want Pinewoods Chapel to be available to minister to them!

You’re joining the Online Campus Host Team, a team of volunteers who shepherd and pray for people during our online services. As a member of this team, you’ll serve on a pre-determined schedule based on your availability. Be sure to show up 15 minutes early to your service so you can connect and pray with your Team Leader!

Your main responsibility will be prayer.

You can offer prayer to guests right in the Chat. You can pray with people in the chat area, or encourage them to click the Live Prayer button if they’d rather talk and pray with a volunteer privately. It’s amazing to see how loved people feel when someone reaches out to pray with them!

Example: Hi @martha75, I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your grandfather this week. Could we pray together here for you and your family? Let’s pray: God, we lift up Martha and pray that you would be with her and her entire family today. We ask that you would bring them your perfect peace and comfort, and that you would surround them with people who can encourage them in this season. Thank you for loving us and being with us in every difficult moment. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

If you’re able and have time, please also feel free to welcome people to the service, and post relevant verses or brief insights during the service. Our community is already quite engaged and does this among themselves quite a bit, and more voices are always welcome!

Online Campus Host – Ministry Role Description


The role of the Online Campus Host is to respond to individuals who are requesting prayer during an Online Service.

Communication Structure:

1. Each Online Campus Host is directly accountable to the Team Leader (currently the Administrative Assistant, who is accountable to the Lead Pastor).

2. Each Online Campus Host will complete the required training, and agrees to follow the direction of the Team Leader.

Personal Qualifications:

1. Has a personal, active and growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

2. Has an active personal prayer life.

3. Is comfortable praying with and for others in public.

4. Has good computer skills, and is willing to learn new ones.

Each Online Campus Host is responsible for:

1. Completing the required training.

2. Committing to a predetermined schedule for serving during Online Services.

3. Committing to logging in online 15 minutes prior to each service, being available online during the service, and staying for 20 minutes after the service.

4. Praying online (by typing in a prayer) with those who click the “Live Prayer” button.

5. If time permits, welcoming attendees and creating conversation with attendees. Our community is already quite good at this on their own.

5. Answering theological questions or responding to trolls in a loving, gracious manner.

The Online Campus Host is not responsible for:

1. Providing counselling or other advice to attendees.

2. Debating theology or getting caught up in other discussions.

Training Video

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